Saturday, May 30, 2020

From Office to Outdoors

From Office to Outdoors Success Story > From: Job To: Solopreneur From Office to Outdoors “Everything about my job screamed 'This isn't me!'” * From Office to Outdoors Following a serious car accident, outdoors-lover Catherine Hanna found herself desk-bound, stressed and unhappy at work. Then, an insightful colleague opened her eyes to a simple truth that changed everything. Here, she shares how she rediscovered her passion and found work that feels like being welcomed home. What work were you doing previously? I used to be an international-level show jumper. I stopped doing that around 12 years ago; since then I've been working in various roles within a public sector organisation. What are you doing now? I've started my own business, breeding horses. Why did you change? I've been around farms and horses all my life. When I gave up show jumping, I applied for a public sector role focusing on research, which seemed a good fit as some of the work allowed me to spend time outdoors. There were 10,000 applicants for the job, but I was the successful one. I felt like it was meant to be, and I enjoyed the work I was doing. Unfortunately, a few years later I was involved in a serious car crash, which left me disabled to the point where I could no longer do my job properly. At first I didn't know what I was going to do, but I wanted to keep working, so I looked at other options in my organisation. To meet my medical needs, I switched to an admin-based role that saw me mostly confined to a desk. I was on shift quite often, and I worked long hours. It felt like I was hardly ever at home, never around to make the kids their tea or help them with their homework. I was being paid well, but everything about my job screamed, “This isn't me! What am I doing?” I started wishing my life away. When was the moment you decided to make the change? My role involved quite a lot of stress and responsibility, and I was constantly worried about the potential consequences of getting something wrong. I'm a perfectionist, so whatever I do, I have to do right. That just added to the daily pressure I felt. I sat some exams for an internal promotion, which I passed. But I didn't feel any of the elation I should have felt. I started wondering what was wrong with me. I'm a huge introvert, not the kind of person who talks very much about myself. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding how I felt, and just getting on with it, until a colleague who was working on my shift took me aside. He told me that he could see how stressed and unhappy I was. He said, “You can't go on like this.” It was a shock for me to realise that other people could see how miserable I felt. I knew I needed to do something about it. How did you choose your new career? I started talking to a friend at work about the different career change ideas I was having. He told me how my eyes lit up whenever I mentioned horses, and that he couldn't see me doing anything other than working with them. I realised he was right. Horses are my passion, but I'd been used to riding and show jumping, and those options weren't available to me anymore. The car accident had left me feeling useless, but I needed to find a new way to work with horses. Breeding them was the ideal option. Ever since the car accident, I'd been offered medical retirement from my job. Taking it was something I would never have considered before, because I didn't know what else I would do. It felt like admitting defeat. But now I'd found something meaningful to focus on. I decided to accept the medical retirement, and leave my job. Are you happy with the change? Yes. I feel as though I'm back where I belong â€" like I've been welcomed home. Now I'm expecting some foals that will be born early in the new year, which is wonderful. I've also found I've got a few spare hours, where I could do something else on a part-time basis if I needed to. But my passion will always be the horses. What do and don't you miss? I do miss the craic and the camaraderie of office life sometimes. It might sound silly, but even a simple chat about the weather can help lift your day. But on the flipside, the horses don't give me any lip, so it's all good! How did you go about making the shift? I Googled 'career change' and discovered Careershifters. I read some of the articles on their site, and they were really refreshing and positive. When you're feeling low and stressed in your job, you really can't see any way out, so those articles felt like rays of light! I saw that instead of feeling lost and trapped, it was possible to be happy about the idea of career change. I signed up to the Career Change Launch Pad programme because I felt it would give me the clarity and courage â€" not to mention the kick up the backside I needed! â€" to make a change. That was exactly what happened. I also rediscovered how to have fun. One day I went biking down the side of a mountain with my then-five year old, and we ended up in a heap at the bottom. I don't know who was laughing the most, me or him! How did you handle your finances to make your shift possible? I was lucky enough to have some money I could use to get started on my business idea. I was able to buy some horses, and I had a huge shed built, to use for stables. I'll admit to feeling a bit like an imposter at the moment, though. I've achieved so much, but I'll have to see some money coming in before I can really feel as though I've succeeded with my plans. But breeding is a waiting game, so it's all about getting used to that. What was the most difficult thing about changing? There have been some pitfalls along the way. I set aside some money for building work, but it ended up costing double the amount. That felt scary, but I managed to offset some of it by selling one of my horses a year earlier than planned. The horrific winter we had last year also took its toll, with plenty of unplanned expenses. I had to spend an extra £500 ($650) on rugs to keep the horses warm! Things like that can come as unwelcome surprises, but I think if you're determined enough, you'll be OK. I was so stressed in my old job that the tiniest problem would make me feel anxious, but your mentality changes when you do something you love. You really want to make it work. What help did you get? I talked to a friend at the start of my career change. I've known her for years, and though I don't see her much any more, it was clear that she understood the real me, not the stressed and unhappy person I had been presenting at work every day. I had felt so lost and miserable, but she reminded me of who I am, and that really helped as I started looking for something else I could do. What have you learnt in the process? I've always tried to work everything out for myself without asking others for help, but I realised that isn't always the right way to be, especially when you want to make a big change. As an introvert I find business networking difficult, but I developed the confidence to approach people and ask for advice. I set myself a goal to contact a senior show jumping judge, to see if I could help out with some judging â€" and they replied straight away with a yes! I've found that when you ask others for help or advice, they're willing to provide it. I've also signed up to Facebook, and I use it to connect with people in my industry. Now, I'm learning so much. It's amazing how much you can pick up from a casual face-to-face conversation, mostly things you would never have thought to ask. What would you advise others to do in the same situation? Don't waste time weighing up all the pros and cons of career change without taking any action. If you really want to make a change, go for it! Catherine took part in our Career Change Launch Pad. If you're ready to join a group of bright, motivated career changers on a structured programme to help you find more fulfilling work, you can find out more here. To find out more about Catherine's work, visit her Facebook page at: What lessons could you take from Catherine's story to use in your own career change? Let us know in the comments below.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

University of Michigan Sweetland Writing Center Resume

University of Michigan Sweetland Writing Center ResumeIf you're looking for a way to improve your chances of getting into the University of Michigan Sweetland Writing Center, then this is it. The writing center will accept all forms of resumes, including letterhead and resumes, computer-generated or hard copies. The best part about applying for admission at the Sweetland Writing Center is that you'll have just a few short weeks to prepare a resume, and it can be one of the most important parts of your application.Let's start with the application itself. For the first page of your application, you'll need to describe what your expertise is. This might include things like 'I am an experienced writer who has written articles for a local weekly newspaper'I am a fluent Spanish speaker and interpreter.' This is the first section of your application and it should include a sentence or two that describes what you can do for the University of Michigan Sweetland Writing Center.Then, for the se cond page of your application, you'll need to list all of your past work experience, and on the right side of the page, list your education and writing awards. The writing awards that you'll need to include are: the Oregon Academic Writing Award, the Associated Student Writers of the East (ASWE), the Junior MFA, The Foundation for Arts Education (Fae), the Jeffrey E. Ruppel Student Essay Award, and the Zach Caudill National Writing Scholarship. Don't forget to include your area of concentration, as well.Your third page of your application is going to be your in-house advice. This part of your application consists of a one or two paragraph essay that summarizes your overall qualifications. You'll want to provide the admissions team with specific examples of your work in the past, as well as examples of your writing skills. Also, you want to provide a one or two sentence description of any projects that you've done that would be beneficial to the University of Michigan Sweetland Writi ng Center.Finally, the fourth page of your application should be your contact information. On this page, you'll need to provide your mailing address, phone number, and email address.Following these four pages of in-house advice, your final page is the final touch. This is where you provide a summary of your academic and professional interests. In addition, you should provide your literary fiction piece, fiction pieces for children, essays, and manuscripts.It is important to include a summary of your professional performance in your application, as the admissions team is hoping to see proof of your work ethic and professionalism. That said, you should take extra care when including your work experience on your Sweetland Writing Center resume. You don't want to leave out the references that could boost your credibility in this matter.Be sure to read through your Sweetland Writing Center resume thoroughly before sending it in. Always double check for spelling errors and grammatical err ors.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Jeep Therapy Helped Me Get Through My Silent Struggle -

How Jeep Therapy Helped Me Get Through My Silent Struggle - The Perfect Storm hit me out of nowhere about eight years ago. Growing closer to that half century mark, my body and hormones where changing and I didn’t realize depression was setting in. My two amazing kids were growing older becoming more independent and not needing me like they once did. I had been immersed in my dream life of a mini-van mom,   classroom parent helper, PTA president, scout leader, soccer mom and 24/7 all things mom, a dream I had for years, finding it finally in my 30’s. Then suddenly, it all stopped one day. I was left with an utter feeling of despair and emptiness with no direction. It was like I was in a deep dark hole with no way out. My friend group consisted of other “Soccer Mom’s” whom I felt I didn’t fit in with. I didn’t share the same hobbies or interests, but at the same time wasn’t sure what my interests and hobbies were. I paused my former life for a long time. My life was dedicated to my children attending sporting events, weekend scouting events, helping with homework, attending educational meetings, and mom’s nights out where all we did was talk about our kids. Deep down I knew I wasn’t meant to conform to the expectation of the outside world and this was the kind of life I was trying live for many years. I was lost within myself. Then one day I woke up realizing I didn’t want to be that competitive, helicopter mom anymore. My kids needed to live there own life, make their own decisions, and I needed to find ME! But how to accomplish that became a conflict within me for a long time. I silently struggled for three years with not only that question, but with a changing body and fluctuating hormones. My life felt like it was on hold with no direction; unhappy and lonely. My Jeep Therapy Then one day a tiny light streamed into that hole. Unsuspectingly and unknowingly, one small moment changed my life, it actually saved my life. A dad was transporting several boys to a camping event that we were also attending. Before they headed out, the dad got out of his Jeep Wrangler Sport to do something to the top of his Jeep. At the time I had no idea what he was doing, and we drove right by him. Once at the destination the kids in the topless Jeep were beaming with smiles, sharing exciting wind in your hair, sun in your face stories. There was also a lot of jubilant repeated recollections of all the cool Jeep waves they received and gave. I was instantly curious and inspired. That following weekend sitting in our favorite Mexican restaurant after listening to hours, no days, of me talking about the Jeep, my son asked Siri to find the nearest Jeep dealer. The next day I was on a test drive with a brand new Jeep Wrangler Sahara instantly hooked. I became an owner of a brand new black 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sahara that same day. I remember asking the salesman about the Rubicon package. However, I immediately waved him off when I found out it sported the off-road package, replying with “I will never go off road”. Little did I know on that fateful day in May as I drove my brand new black Jeep off the lot I was on a new path, the road less driven path. The beginning of an amazing Jeep journey that would change my life. My Blog Just days after becoming a new Jeep owner, my friend, neighbor and mom blogger suggested I start my own blog about my new journey with my Jeep and being a mom. So this new Jeep addiction began to grow in so many ways.   My journey turned into a search to dig deep down to find my passion and what makes me happy. I began taking care of myself physically and mentally. I put myself out there and began to try new things. A lot of the times it was by myself because no one else I knew was interested in joining me. After starting my blog I realized I needed social media to help promote my blog. New to the social media scene I didn’t realize what was coming down the pike. A whole new world I didn’t know existed opened up with a flood. There was an addicted group of like minded Jeep owners like myself out there that spurred on my addiction, but also gave me a sense of belonging. New friendships formed. Friendships I know will last my lifetime   These friendships are unlike any other I have ever had, especially the Jeep Women. I have been welcomed with open arms and kindness. I am free to be me and accepted without judgement, and I don’t feel that catty competition with life nor kids. It has been nothing but a positive experience with these like-minded women (and Jeep men) who share a passion for off-roading, the outdoors and all things Jeep. Not only friendships developed but a need to make my Jeep unique to me after seeing all those pictures of so many different Jeeps and all the possibilities of modifications. I began making small changes to my Jeep like floor mats and steering wheel covers. That blossomed into more difficult modification such as bumpers and off road lights. I made these modifications by myself with the positive encouragement from other Jeepers telling me I could do it and I did. With absolutely no experience in the garage I installed my own front and rear bumper, rock sliders, skid plate and off road lights. YouTubing With a Jeep Then there were the YouTube videos which formed a new exciting hobby. That salesman back on the lot where I bought my Jeep was probably laughing under his breath when I said I will never off road. Only a year later in 2014 I traded my Sahara for a 2015 Rubicon. It was hard leaving my Sahara but I was looking forward to that Off-Road package I dismissed just a year before. Off-Roading became my new hobby which I completely enjoy and yearn for. It has given me the confidence in myself in so many different ways. I love this white knuckle adventure in the outdoors. A little over a year ago I planned a vacation with my sister to hike in the Utah National Parks and a little wheeling too. It turned out she wasn’t able to make it but my addiction for all things Jeep wasn’t going to let that stop me. I headed out to Moab, Utah for an adventure of a lifetime. Those 2 days on the trails are ones I will never forget. I was able to again meet some amazing new friends, conquer my fear of heights and wheel some of the most famous trails in the world. I am confident Moab won’t just be a one time adventure of a lifetime because I will get back there! Jeepers on social media are a different breed. For the most part Jeepers welcome you into their arms with kindness and acceptance. I found one of those groups out of the Carolinas. They invited me to their Spring Uwharrie Invasion weekend in the Uwharrie National Forest in North Carolina. Heading out on a six hour drive to camp and wheel with people you’ve never met in person could be intimidating and scary but knowing   they are Jeepers I knew it would be an amazing weekend and it was! Again Uwharrie won’t be a once in a lifetime event. I am already planning to go back to wheel with my new friends! The Jeep Talk Show My Jeep not only lead me to new found friendships but other new opportunities as well. The folks at the Jeep Talk Show Podcast requested an interview with me about my newfound love of my Jeep and off-roading. That interview turned into a co-host spot on the podcast. That was three years ago, and I still enjoy sharing my experience on the show to this day. ME And My Jeep These past six years have been a journey of re-discovering me, searching for my passion, realizing life isnt about the stuff you have, but experiences. It has been so good for my soul and my self-esteem. Buying my Jeep Wrangler five years ago turned into discovering a wonderful accepting Jeep community and a spectacular Jeep Life. This new path in my life has brought so much joy and new found friendships all over the country. My Jeep has helped gain the confidence I needed to realize I am a strong women who can do anything I put my mind to. A garage isn’t just for the guys! A friend who helped me overcome my fear of heights while on the entrance to Hell’s Revenge in Moab told me “You’ve Got This”. Those are words I live by today, every time I begin to doubt myself “I’ve Got This”! My Jeep has also guided me to my passion again that goes all the way back to 4th grade. A passion I sadly lost in my youth, but found once again, my creativity. Back then I let some mean girls who made fun of my creative writing dictate my life by me putting down my pencil. It may not be the pencil I picked back up but when my fingers hit the keyboard and I see the words on the screen I smile to myself. My blog,, started out as a weekly diary of sorts and now has blossomed into so much more. Most recently I have ramped up the videos on my Jeep Momma YouTube channel producing at least one a week. The positive response has been encouraging and inspiring. Need Therapy?   Maybe You, Too, Should Try Jeeping My hope is for others to follow me on this crazy journey as I uncover more of my passion and search for a fulfilling new career while balancing my family life and my life. My life now is about new discovery of myself and trying to live My Best Life. During this search I have learned so much about myself realizing simplifying and minimalism has made me happier and made more time for the things I enjoy. My Jeep is more than a tool to get from point a to point b. It has become part of me, part of my soul. I strive to simplify and enjoy every moment I am on this earth. One day I hope my gifts and purpose will be an inspiration to the world or maybe just one person! Keep on Jeeping!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Networking Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Networking Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career If you want to grow your contacts and business, then networking is the best way to do so. Keep in mind that networking isn’t a quick fix for sales, though; it’s an investment in getting to know other people. As marketing coach and author John Jantsch put it, “It’s never about the sale, it’s always about the relationship â€" build first by giving.” The same rule applies to online networking. Regardless of the social media website or application you’re using, building relationships still provides longer lasting results. People are more likely to take a recommended action after you’ve proven that you’re likeable, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. People will quit businesses and brands before they quit relationships.  [tweet this] Business is only second to building relationships. Genuine care and conversation are felt by others and are not regularly experienced on a daily basis. So how do you take networking online? 1.  Listen. Find your market and listen to them first. Don’t be that person who jumps into a conversation without knowing anything about it. 2. Contribute. Give something of value, such as advice or additional support. Never pitch first when you’re new to a network. Instead, give helpful information that benefits others. 3. Build. Establish your credibility and reputation. This is the time to position yourself as a knowledgeable asset to the community. The help you offer will pay off in the future as an investment in your character. 4. Respond. At some point, someone will ask you for a direct opinion or something may arise that will provide the perfect opportunity for you to assert your knowledge and “sell” yourself. However, the difference here is that you’re a person and not a marketer. 5.  Inform. Don’t sell. If you’ve followed the prior steps patiently, you now have the credibility to educate rather than sell. Educating, which lets you show yourself as an expert in your field, is much more powerful than selling. Moreover, it is welcomed, when done in the best interest of the community. Bonus tips: How to build your brand online Give a voice to your brand. Research your audience and determine what they want to hear and what message you want to put across. Be open and consider all ideas. People respond better to content that they can relate to, so speak with your audience and not at them. Also, people look for consistency in a brand, so make sure to provide that. Use multiple online media channels. Build your brand through repetition by utilizing display and content networks, and get your ads in front of your audience via site specific targeting, behavioral targeting, and re-messaging. Also, see to it that your messaging is consistent with your voice so consumers can continually identify and remember your brand. Map out your social media integration. What do you want your brand to do or say online? What kind of interactions do you want your customers to have with your business? Is Facebook or Twitter right for you? You may not have all the answers at this point, but some research will help you know where to find your audience and how to interact with them. Build up your reputation. Establishing your reputation online is similar to offline networking, but it’s not as easy and it takes more time. You’ll first need to define your strategy for reaching your audience and identify the methods you’ll use in the process.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Top Resume Writing Service

Top Resume Writing ServiceIf you are seeking top resume writing service, there are many things you need to consider before hiring someone. First of all, you must choose the best and most appropriate candidate to handle your job. It is also essential to know the quality of the writing job you will be getting.First and foremost, ensure that the writing service you choose is fully aware of the sensitive details and personal information about you. For example, make sure that they do not keep any confidential or proprietary information about you in their possession. Second, check if the writer you will be working with has the legal authorization to give a writing service to you. They should also be able to prove their eligibility in the field.It is also crucial that the writers for your resume are adept at presenting your credentials in an organized manner so as to ensure the entire process is taken up effectively. Also, make sure the writer you will be getting for your resume is certifie d by some organization and accredited. The accuracy and precision with which they write the resume is a good indication of the level of professionalism they are ready to do the job. Finally, make sure the writers you will be using will accept to complete a contract, otherwise, this could become a liability for you.As well, it is very important to have a clear understanding on what you want to be portrayed in your resume. There are numerous people who just put together words to create their resume without any respect towards how it will be displayed on their profile. By doing this, it may result in rejection from various organizations, which may not give them a second chance.Instead, put effort and time into composing your resume in a more appropriate way, which suits your individual needs. Write your resume as if you were speaking with a hiring manager, which will help you get a favorable response on your resume. Also, don't forget to include your previous experience and education y ou have earned in the area you are aiming to apply.By considering the above-mentioned considerations, you can now take the next step of selecting a writing service. Ensure you select a professional resume writing service that offers competitive rates for their services, and also offers a full-proof evaluation of their work. Also, be wary of services who are only offering a technical resume service; if you only need a technical resume with no writing style, then it would be best if you seek out a professional resume writing service, and concentrate on getting your work done by someone who understands the nuances of resume writing. Lastly, find out if they offer any kind of support for your resume submission and distribution.Being one of the more popular services offered, choosing a top resume writing service today can help you get your career back on track. Resume writing has been a standard requirement for most job applicants and professionals who want to promote their career. Havin g a good resume will help you land that dream job you have always wanted.Whether you are new to the industry or a veteran, you will find many reputable writers and agencies offering different services. In order to land a good job, you need to have a competent resume writing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The ABCs Of Helping Your Business Gain Online Sales

The ABCs Of Helping Your Business Gain Online Sales The exponential growth of online business has been nothing short of phenomenal. Whether it’s migrating a traditional operation to the world wide web or starting a new company from scratch doesn’t matter. Enjoying a slice of that online action will undoubtedly sound very attractive.  It’s a very competitive playground, and you need to ensure that the venture is powered by good production and suitable pricing. As far as the quest for online customers is concerned, though, success can be achieved in just three easy steps.      Here’s all you need to know. Appearance First impressions count for everything. Your online business may only get a few seconds to create a positive impact, so it’s imperative that you grab this opportunity with both hands. Otherwise, your hopes of winning their custom may be dead in the water. The branding essentials of a logo and catchy name are just the start. Hiring a professional web design company to create a clean, bold, and easily navigated website may be the smartest decision of all. When the content and layout are right, this will become your most powerful asset by a distance.     Consumers have huge expectations, which is why you must also consider the load times and other features. When those elements are in place and supported by a strong SEO and social media strategy, your brand will instantly stand out from the crowd. Bond Visibility and professionalism are essential factors. Nevertheless, the key to creating an audience revolves around establishing a bond. It may sound a little alien, but accepting that you cannot please everyone is arguably the most significant breakthrough of all. Billions of online transactions are completed each day, so even niche brands can build huge audience numbers. Knowing your place in the market influences everything. Those elements can range from the tone of your ads to choosing which social platforms deserve your attention. Those winning interactions can soon edge prospective clients to their first purchases. People buy people, and the significance of strong relationships cannot be emphasized enough. Creating the type of business that generates the most success is ultimately what will leave you smiling. Make the most of those interactions and insights, and this should become an easier task. Credentials Trust is one of the most important words in business, not least when dealing with online operations. If a prospective client has any reason to doubt the quality of your products or service, they will take their custom elsewhere. Therefore, putting those concerns to bed is crucial. Customer reviews and testimonials can go a long way to getting conversions over the line. However, it’s equally important to ensure that the business is secured. A breach of data could quickly destroy your reputation, and rebuilding it may prove to be impossible. Prevention is always the best form of protection. Transactions need to be completed using encrypted payment gateways. Meanwhile, clear contact details and a responsive customer care team will help win new clients and keep the old ones happy. Once you’ve built that solid fanbase, the company’s future will look brighter than ever.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Keep Up The Job Search Wherever You Are - CareerAlley

Keep Up The Job Search Wherever You Are - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. A dedicated job search takes eight hours a day, writes Career Cast. But with a smartphone or tablet, you dont have to spend all of that time at home on the computer. Get out, change the scenery, find a comfortable place and continue your job hunt with these recommended apps. Searching For The Ideal Job recommends a number of job search apps, including one from a premiere job search engine, Indeed. is an aggregator which means it takes your job search criteria and searches a number of job boards. The app will use your GPS coordinates and find open positions in cities near you. Check on newly added jobs since your last search. You can search for full or part-time jobs, contractor positions, internships and freelance opportunities. Once youve uploaded a completed resume to, you can apply to jobs on your mobile device. Follow companies youre interested in and check on how many companies look at your resume. You can sort by a number of parameters and view full or summarized job descriptions. This app is available for free for iOS devices through iTunes or via Google Play for Android devices. Uncovering the Hidden Jobs writes that 80 percent of the open positions are not posted where you can easily find them. They are found by networking or following companies as they grow and hire personnel. The app Hidden Jobs by CareerCloud tracks companies that are expanding by searching the business news for indications of growth and hiring. This app gives you a way to automatically follow your favorite companies and notify you of any hiring activity. The app searches press releases, online media, magazines, newspapers and blogs to find information about the companies youre following. It is available for 99 cents on iTunes for your iOS iPhone or iPad. Incorporating Social Media in Your Job Search Employers are using social media to highlight positions as well as look for potential candidates. The JobJuice app was developed by a social media expert to guide you through the steps of finding those jobs as well as crafting your own social media image. Learn how to target key companies and people with social media. Find interview sources and set up informational interviews. Communicate directly with hiring managers and recruiters. This is a tool for learning how to use social media for a higher level job search. Working with this app in a coffee shop on your lightweight Lenovo tablet, youll have a way to fine-tune your social media image. Create a brand that makes recruiters and hiring managers want you on their team. JobJuice is available on iTunes for iOS devices for $14.99, which may seem quite high, but its usually less than the price of a book or manual on using social media for your job hunt. Being Prepared for Any Interview Once youre in the door and have an interview set up, its time to review how youll respond to the typical interview questions. Not only do you need to have your elevator pitch down to 30 seconds or less, but you need to be able to answer three critical questions, which Forbes says is the basis for all interview questions: Can you do the job for us? Are you passionate about this job? Will our people be able to work with you? You can be ready to answer these and other questions by using the Interview Prep Questions App. This app uses a flash card format to let you practice various interview questions and review your answers. Continue working through the questions until youre comfortable with your answer and move that to a separate list. Create a stack of favorite questions and fine tune your responses for various positions. This app is available for free through iTunes for iOS devices and for $2.99 for Android devices through Google Play. Carissa BradshawCarissa has surfed in 9 different countries and 4 different continents. Her home waves in Australia are her favorite, though. This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search.Joey Trebif (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();